Monday, September 26, 2016

Art_Around the World

Fourth graders will travel the world in art this year! They will look at art exemplars, media and methods from Africa, Latin America, and Asia.  One of their first activities was to draw a world map from memory, what they knew or though they knew. Here are some examples: 

Their first major project is called "I Am the World" where they express themselves (as individuals, members of different groups, and citizens of the world) using imagery.  They made a chart to help them collect imagery, they looked up images up on CC Search and explored an app called "Beautiful Planet".  They also wrote a draft of an "I am" poem. 

The girls also started a list of things they are passionate about. All this ideation will turn into a collage of imagery that represents their worlds - a great starting point from which to travel beyond! 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Schools Around the World

In Fourth Grade we have already started our focus on global studies.  Over the summer, the girls all read a short biography about the young, Nobel Peace Prize winning, Malala Yousafzai. In the first week of school, our discussion of her amazing story and her commitment to education led to an even bigger discussion about schools and education around the world. For the last three weeks, the girls have been working in small groups to learn more about education in other countries.  After individually researching countries and writing short reports, the girls came together in their groups to create posters that illustrate the lives of school children in each continent.  This week, we have ended this unit by watching a documentary that chronicles the journeys of four young children around the world on their walks to school.  Chat with your daughter about what she has learned in our studies so far, and check out some photos and the movie trailer below!

Movie Trailer for Documentary:

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Music: Folk Dance and Community

The girls loved learning a Russian folk dance, "Sasha!"  After learning the dance in partners, they worked in groups to re-choreograph the dance.  There are many more options with 4-6 people than there are with 2!

Here are a few!