Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Art: Color is Complicated!

Mrs. Hiivola has introduced a new unit that explores the relationships between color and feelings.  The girls learned that warm colors communicate high energy feelings like angry or excited and cool colors communicate low energy feelings like sad or calm. They began their color resource journals by mixing swatches of color that they will name based on things they know, touch, see, smell, feel, remember, etc.  

Friday, January 23, 2015

Happenings in Second Grade

   The wagon is packed and the Bryn Mawr second grade is about to hit the Oregon Trail! We have packed many things that will help make our journey a smooth one.  The girls have enjoyed bringing in items for our wagon.  We have sacks of flour, horses, dogs, books, quilts, pots and pans, and food. Great job, girls! Here is a picture of our packed wagon.

  The girls are also excited to begin writing in their pioneer journals.  Each girl will keep a personal journal as we travel along the Oregon Trail.  The journals will be on display during the pioneer picnic as well as our crafts. We are looking forward to beginning our crafts with our parent volunteers on February 12. Thank you in advance for your help!!

                                               WAGONS HO! OREGON OR BUST!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

French: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ta chambre?

In French, the girls have been learning how to describe objects within a room. In pairs, they created scripts where two or three characters greeted each other and asked and answered questions about their rooms. They used the app Puppet Pals to create videos of their conversations. They were très créatives and everyone loved watching their classmates' creations.

Here, the girls are hard at work developing their scripts.

Everyone enjoyed presenting her project to the class. All of the girls should be very proud of their hard work!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Brush Bot Video

All grades in the Lower School participated in the Brush Bots Winter Olympics.  Here is a compilation video of everyone's hard work.  Enjoy!